
oh this dreamy place..:)

Zach and I spent our 1 YEAR anniversary in Paris in September and honestly couldn’t think of such an amazing and perfect way to spend our first anniversary!! I love this city, I love this hunk of metal behind of aka Eiffel Towerrrrr and I freakin love Zach. 1 year and quite honestly it’s been the best. I’ve heard people say funny and weird things about the first year of marriage and from me to you, all honesty, don’t believe the people that tell you the fist year is the hardest, or that you fight a lot or whatever. It’s the literal best. obviously everyones experience is different. but like you get to have a 24/7 best friend, cuddle buddy, adventure buddy, lover, shoulder to bawl on;) haha and this person loves everything about you. Somehow everything you experience is better, and the things you get to experience with him that you had already done before, you have a whole new perspective and love for.

You start to build memories together!! Which I think it my favorite part, the memories, and now that its been a year we look back on when we were first married and see us. Instead of looking back at life a year ago and seeing a time of life that may have been hard or hurt, I see me and Zach, and our memories from a year ago. so special! I’m about to cry thinking about that. ahaha so cheesy. but I’m cheesy so its chill:) anyways. I know this is the start to a Nicholas Sparks love romance book haha but it’s the truth, its my truth:)

Zach and I had both been to Paris before, but we hadn’t been together. I fell in freakin love with Paris in 2017 when I went with my bff Haley!! big S/O to Haley:)! literally fell in love! and Zach knows how I talk about this place with the dreamiest eyes ever. I just love it, Paris has a piece of my heart for sure.

Going together for the first time was a lot of stinkin’ fun:) We did all the tourist things, found quiet corners and hidden gems and fell in love with each other all over again. hah like I said I am cheesy but I speak from the heart always and my heart of full of love! especially for Zach! You can just us running around Paris on scooters each with our big cameras, big smiles and just living life.

life with Zach is better than I could’ve ever imagined.

click here to read about how we met:)

I’ll be sharing a lot more from this amazing trip so be on the lookout:)

thanks for reading!

love // Anna